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About me

Let me introduce myself

A bit about me

After started his work at the Center for Deep Sea Research last year, this researcher has a big plan for the better future of Indonesia's deep-sea research. Trying his best to achieve it. He has 5 years of experience in mineral explorations, by the way.

Currently doing geophysics master program at Tongji University. He's a big fan of Manchester United. Music, gadgets, and running never fail to make him happy.


Deepak Bhagya

Personal info

Abi Dzikri Alghifari

Mobile (ID): +(62) 81223001161
Mobile (CH): +(86) 19821238357
WeChat ID: abialghifari7
Website: www.abialghifari.com
E-mail (personal): abi.alghifari@gmail.com
E-mail (work): abid005@lipi.go.id


Know more about my past


  • 2018-now

    Researcher @ P2LD LIPI

    Field of Expertise: Geophysics

    Field of Research: Applied Geophysics

    Notable Research:

    Fe-Mn Nodules and Co-Rich Crusts Exploration at Pacific Ocean (2018-2019) -

    Sediment Analysis at North Ambon Sea,Indonesia (2018) -

    Notable Training:

    Deep-sea Minerals Exploration Training (Practical), Pacific Ocean (2018-2019) -

    Deep-sea Minerals Exploration Training (Theoretical), Russia (2018) -

  • 2016-2017

    Independent Geophysicist

    Notable Project:

    Gold Exploration using Magnetics Method at Nanga Pinoh, Kalbar (2017) -

    Burried Utility Locating using GPR Method at Jakarta, DKI Jakarta (2017) -

  • 2012-2013; 2015-2016

    Geophysicist @ Geomin Unit (Antam)

    Notable Project:

    Gold Exploration using TDIP Method at Kelantan, Malaysia (2016) -

    Bauxite Exploration using GPR Method at Tayan, Kalbar (2015) -

    Nickel Exploration using Resistivity Method at Buli, Malut (2013) -

    Gold Exploration using Magnetics Method at Oksibil, Papua (2012) -


  • 2020-2023

    Tongji University (Geophysics Master Program)

  • 2019-2020

    Tongji University (Chinese language preparation course)

  • 2007-2012

    Universitas Gadjah Mada (Geophysics bachelor program)

    Notable Organization:

    - Himpunan Mahasiswa Geofisika [HMGF UGM] (2007-2012)

    - Society of Exploration Geophysicicst (SEG) Student Chapter (2007-2012)

  • 2004-2007

    MAN Yogyakarta II (Science)

    Notable Organization:

    - Kelompok Ilmiah Remaja (2004-2007)

    - Pramuka (2004-2005)

  • 2001-2004

    MTs YAPIN Kertasemaya

    Notable Organization:

    - Pramuka (2001-2002)

    - Palang Merah Remaja (2002-2003)

Skills & Things about me

Project Managing
Mineral Prospecting, Environmental, & Geotechnical Survey
Data Acquisition & Processing
Resistivity, TDIP, CS-AMT, Magnetics, Gravity, & GPR Data
Data Interpretation & Reporting
Resistivity, TDIP, CS-AMT, Magnetics, Gravity, & GPR Data


Projects Portfolio, Gadget, Music Review, Manchester United, & Life

November 20, 2011

It Has Been 60 Days.. Dan Inilah Hasilnya..

It Has Been 60 Days.. Dan Inilah Hasilnya..

September, Oktober, dan gak kerasa sekarang udah November aja.. Udah 60 hari dengan postingan blog yang megap-megap.. Banyak sebenernya yang mau gue ceritain, tapi kalo jam di laptop gue udah nunjukin 10:00 PM, mata gue udah gak bisa dikompromi.. Kenapa gue se-"cemen" itu? Ya gue capek aja.. Dan, kalo postingan di blog gue penuh tapi gue sakit-sakitan gara-gara kurang tuidur gak bener juga kan? Siapa yang salah? Temen SMP gue? Ha? Ustad Solmed? Ayu Tingting? Patrich Wanggai? Titus Bonai?

Tiap malem gue musti olah data, dan laptop gue harus ekstra kerja keras, karena banyak software yang gue buka.. Cek di bawah Gan...

Nih yang gue buka pas olah data... (Klik buat ngebesarin gambarnya)
Sebenernya yang harus dibuka sih paling cuma excel, res2Dinv, notepad, AutoCAD, sama surfer doang.. Tapi kalo gak buka SE Companion buat jadiin hape gue modem sama buka firefox buat buka situs-situs e-book, trus sama puter lagu-lagunya Coldplay, Travis, Sheila On 7, Maroon 5, Fran Healy, Daughtry, Muse, sama yang laennya gak bakalan mantep.. Dan itu sebenernya yang bikin lama.. Bwahahaha..

Lima menit buka Excel, sepuluh menit pantengin timeline Twitter.. Setengah menit liat Surfer, lima menit malah nonton video klip Paradise-nya Coldplay.. Lima menit buka Res2Dinv buat inversi data IP sama resistivity, 15 menit nonton OVJ.. Praktis, waktu olah data yang mustinya kelar cuma satu setengah jam harus gue selesein dalam waktu tiga jam.. Apalagi kalo pas timnas Indonesia maen.. Wah, seolah lupa daratan deh pokoknya..

Tapi, di hari ke-60-nya gue di sini, gue sempetin lah nulis sepatah dua patah, mumpung timnas juga hari ini gak main..

Dan, begitulah.. Dua bulan yang berkesan.. Minggu-minggu ini gue di samping olah data juga lagi nyicil-nyicil nulis bab-bab awal.. Oya, Jumat ini gue musti presentasi di depan Pak Andi, seorang geologist yang juga ssemacam koordinator Antam wilayah Cibaliung.. Semoga gue berhasil deh.. Doakan ya semuanya..


What can I do

Mineral Prospecting Survey

Mineral exploration, such us gold, bauxite, and nickel using geophysical methods.

Notable Project: Gold Exploration using TDIP Method at Kelantan, Malaysia (2016).

Environmental Survey

Geophysical Survey for envoironmental purpose, such as groundwater exploration and groundwater contamination investigation.

Notable Project: Groundwater Exploration using Resistivity VES Method at Lebak, Banten (2014).

Geotechnical Survey

Geophysical Survey for geotechnical purpose, such as utility locating (e.g.: burried pipeline) and bedrock depth locating for building construction purpose

Notable Project: Burried uitility locating at Jalan Gatot Subroto, Jakarta (2017)


Get in touch with me


Kongsijaya 02/01, Widasari, Indramayu 45271

Phone number

+(62) 81223001161

